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Mostar & Medugorje

Mostar & Medugorje
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  • Mostar & Medugorje
  • 6:50
  • 12 h
  •   Tor     Čet     Sob  
  • 0,00
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As we start our travel guide takes you into the history of Trogir and Split, and the entire region of Dalmatia. As we go off the freeway we pass through the beautiful valley of the Neretva River, we see the Croatian Peasants handle the entire valley giving the whole of Croatia seasonal fruits and vegetables. We go upstream to our first destination city of Mostar. In Mostar, our local tourist guide meets you with a great history of this city known as a window to the Orient, we visit the the old Baazar, full of picturesque shops and workshops, the Mosque and after that enjoy a walk along the famous Turkish bridge from the 16th century which the town was named (most- bridge). Then through the wild beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina come to our final destination, a famous pilgrimage center in this part of Europe which is called Medjugorje. For believers and those who are looking for something spiritual is the Holy Mass and a visit to Mount Apparation of where Virgin Mary appeared to children in 1981 for the first time. After this we head back to Trogir and during the trip back will be able to talk about the collected impressions.

Koristne informacije

Za obisk Mostarja potrebujete veljaven osebni dokument (pasaport ali osebno izkaznico).

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Turistična agencija Portal se nahaja v centru zgodovinskega mesta Trogirja, na njegovi vedno vedri in polni rivi. Naša...

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Poleg široke ponudbe namestite, enodnevnih izletov, storitev najema vozil vam v agenciji nudimo še številne dodatne...

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