Mi smo turistička agencija PORTAL s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u organizaciji i prodaji izleta, posredovanja, uslugama...
Our business is focused on a wide range of quality and interesting tourist services in Trogir Riviera and the promotion of the...
If you want to present Your property in the offer of private accommodations in our agency, please fill out the contact form or...
Tragurion, today Trogir, was village founded by Greek colonists, traders, mother of Issa (Visa). ...
Trogir is a city full of well-known iconic landmarks and must-sees, but it always helps to have some local knowledge. Here are...
People from Trogir are esteemed and earned world-fame. Let us look at some of those famous people....
Croatia is indeed unique, not only for its crystal clear, clean blue sea, but also for a thousand years of different cultures that...
In Croatia, where the Mediterranean, the mountains and the Pannonian plains come together in a unique harmony of natural beauty,...
Here you will find a list of things that is useful to know before arriving in Croatia...
The streets of Trogir are alive with a myriad of cultural events all summer long. All visitors to Trogir will find something for...
Weather forecast
On the interactive map of Trogir and the surrounding area you will have a chance to see interesting things that we have selected...
On the following link you can find general terms and obligations for both guest and agency....
On this page You will find answers on frequent asked questions which will ease your use of our site and clear all details about...
In this section you have the opportunity to read how to make a reservation, the method of payment and general conditions...